Trade Promotion Management
Trade Promotion Management supports annual planning, execution, and analysis of accounts, with a full suite of financial and managerial approvals for each activity. CG Manufacturers use these detailed plans to control trade spending and assess the performance of their business.

Deduction Management
Deduction Management facilitates the management of all customer spending in one place. Research, validate & categorize deductions. Available as a stand-alone module or as a part of TPM.

Trade Promotion Optimization
Trade Promotion Optimization augments TPM with additional intelligence, simulations and advanced reporting capabilities to support the promotion effectiveness mission of CG manufacturers.

Integrated Business Planning
Integrated Business Planning provides capabilities to support sales and operation planning (S&OP), specifically creating the sales team's input to the consensus forecast and shipment analysis. More broadly, it facilitates the ongoing collaboration across sales, supply chain, to optimize volume forecasting and deliver against overall business objectives.

Revenue Growth Management
Revenue Growth Management facilitates advanced analysis by providing deeper insight into margin opportunities and pricing conduct for own brands and competitors in order to make strategic decisions that drive results.

Data Enablers
Data Enablers
Data Enablers – A complete solution must produce the information needed to understand your business and make decisions quickly. For this you need data from different sources, connectivity and science to fuel productivity & intelligence.