
Account Managers

BluePlanner is an essential tool for consumer goods Account Managers, enabling them to manage and optimize their trade promotion activities and forecast sales and spending.


Consumer goods Account Managers use BluePlanner to organize and manage their promotional activities. They execute the different types of trade promotions, discounts, rebates, and rewards, and perform various trade promotion planning procedures. BluePlanner enables them to explore different promotional scenarios, calculate the potential ROI, forecast expectations and actual costs, monitor promotion performance, and track customer commitments. With all this vital data at their fingertips, they can make data-driven decisions and take necessary actions on their promotions.

Another benefit that BluePlanner offers Account Managers is better collaboration and communication with other departments- such as finance, marketing and supply chain- to plan and evaluate promotional efforts. It helps in streamlining promotional processes, brings greater clarity to disputes, resolve issues quickly, reduce the risk of errors and omission, and provides accurate and timely data. BluePlanner delivers the capability to identify and eliminate non-productive promotions, reduce administrative tasks, gain better agility in real-time data analysis and keep up with trends to make informed decisions on the go.

“BluePlanner promotions are intuitive.  You enter your deals and volume and it automatically rolls up the financials.”

Related Capabilities


Trade Promotion Managment

Supports annual planning, execution, and analysis of accounts.
Learn About TPM

Trade Promotion Optimization

Augment TPM with added intelligence, simulations and reporting capabilities.
Learn About TPO

Use Cases for Account Managers

Research & Validate Deductions

Categorize Deductions

Acquire Deduction Backup

Analyze Deduction Trends

Actualize Promotions & Terms

Build Promotion Simulations & Scenarios

Establish Promotion Calendar and Operational Details

Analyze Account Performance

Analyze Promotion Performance & Optimize Future Plans

Set Customer Pricing & Plan Long Term Agreements

Define Customer Listing/Assortment

Forecast Account Volume & Spending

Trade Marketing: Facilitate Monthly Business Reviews

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