Use Cases

Finance: Forecast & Reverse Accruals

Use promotion-specific information to more precisely forecast, book, and reverse spending accruals.

How it Works

The promotions and terms planned at the account level define very specific information about spending commitments: customer, products, dates, spending, and volume. We configure pricing conditions to define what should be accrued, when it should be accrued, and what general ledger account the accrual belongs to. Before the spending is incurred, this provides visibility into future liabilities. As promotions and terms are executed, commitments are established as accruals. As actual spending transactions take place (i.e. deductions and check payments), we report on the original accrual, changes to projected speding, actual spending related to the accrual, and the accrual’s balance.

BluePlanner then provides tools to 1) prepare for month-end close, and 2) close the month. Preparing for month end, BluePlanner is used for clean-up; ensuring that all check requests have been made & deductions have been reconciled. We also make it easy to see aging promotions that have not been closed, enabling follow-up to either close the spending commitment or understand why its still open. Closing the month uses the Accrual module in BluePlanner to close the spending for the month. For financial reporting purposes, that spending in that month is frozen. Expenses can still be reconciled to the proper promotion. It is, however, financially accounted for in the next month.

BluePlanner produces reporting and analytic dashboards for accruals. The can also be exported to your financial system via integration.

More Ways to Use BluePlanner

Actualize Promotions & Terms

Analyze Deduction Trends

Acquire Deduction Backup

Categorize Deductions

Research & Validate Deductions

Define Account Funding

Develop Strategy

Establish Account Guardrails

Build Promotion Simulations & Scenarios

Establish Promotion Calendar and Operational Details

Analyze Account Performance

Analyze Promotion Performance & Optimize Future Plans

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