Use Cases

Develop Strategy

BluePlanner is a powerful source of customer and product information when it is time to assess and update distribution, pricing and promotion strategy.

How it Works

BluePlanner helps you develop your strategy with a combination of capabilities available in our TPM, TPO, & RGM solutions. Trade Promotion Management (TPM) and its unified database of customer activities, sales and spending history, and integrated distributor & retail sales data creates a rich source of insight on historical performance.

Trade Promotion Optimization (TPO) keeps the focus squarely on promotions with Post Event Analysis to enable you to understand promotion performance and compare them within a customer, across customers, or across products. Then, Scenario Planning facilitates analysis of future plans by simulating different combinations of promotional activity. Finally, Revenue Growth Management (RGM) adds pricing to evaluation. Specialized dashboards enable you to understand retail pricing at customers as you develop your price architecture.

Related Features

Predictive modelling

Category analyses

Price increase modelling

Promotion analysis

Margin pool analyses

Post Event Analysis


Dashboard Analytics


More Ways to Use BluePlanner

Actualize Promotions & Terms

Analyze Deduction Trends

Acquire Deduction Backup

Categorize Deductions

Research & Validate Deductions

Define Account Funding

Establish Account Guardrails

Build Promotion Simulations & Scenarios

Establish Promotion Calendar and Operational Details

Analyze Account Performance

Analyze Promotion Performance & Optimize Future Plans

S&OP: Create Sales Input to Consensus Forecast​

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