
Demand Planning

BluePlanner helps streamline volume forecasting by providing a clear overview of bottom-up customer forecasts & historical sales data.  It aids in organizing and analyzing promotions and produces reports for optimizing future forecasts.

“We send our forecast (Demand Planning) to BluePlanner so Sales can see it and we import the sales forecast created by sales in BluePlanner.  It’s really helpful.”


As a member of the demand planning department in a consumer goods company, one of the key responsibilities is to forecast sales volume accurately. BluePlanner helps streamline this process by providing a clear overview of bottom-up customer forecasts & historical sales data.  It aids in organizing and analyzing promotions and produces reports for optimizing future forecasts.

Data analytics from BluePlanner can be used to identify specific products that are more in demand during a particular season, geographic location, or customer group. By analyzing this data, demand planners can adjust their forecasts to better match the target customers, thereby increasing the chances of a successful promotion, which ultimately leads to increased sales volume.

Additionally, BluePlanner can help demand planners collaborate with sales and marketing teams. The system’s automated workflows allow for smarter planning and decision-making, improving communication between departments and different levels of management.  This is critical in ensuring that all parties are aware of upcoming promotions and anticipated volume forecasts.

Related Capabilities


Trade Promotion Managment

Supports annual planning, execution, and analysis of accounts.
Learn About TPM

Integrated Business Planning

Provides capabilities to support annual operating plan definition.
Learn About IBP

Use Cases for Demand Planning

Forecast Account Volume & Spending

Features for Demand Planning

Dashboard Analytics


Planning / Forecasting

Specialized dashboard


Automatic rollup

Automatic spreading

Spreadsheet-like copy/paste

Integrated “Starting Point”

IBP forecast

Promotion analysis

Category analyses

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